IMTBIKE 2019. The best of Cool´19
March 4, 2020As the year moves ahead, we look back, and it feels like yesterday when we started the last year of the last decade. It has been twelve months of hard work with old and new projects, and it’s all paid off. The new goals we had at the beginning of the year encouraged us to work extra hard. We were so determined to achieve all these goals that we named the year “Cool 19”, knowing that we were striving to have the greatest year, and we nailed it!
“Cool´19” has brought a lot of positive change in different areas of IMTBIKE. The first and main change has been the complete renovation of our fleet with all the new BMW models. We are proud that in 2020 we will only be offering all new models for all our tours and rentals.
At the same time, our IMTBIKE family has continued to grow, and we have three new members. Jose is a “petrolhead”, he likes anything that works with an engine, and he joined the IMTBIKE team in Madrid working as an agent. Carlos is a motorcycle enthusiast that has become the latest addition to the IMTBIKE team in Barcelona working as an agent too. Pablo is also a motorcycle enthusiast, after living many years abroad he came back to Spain and joined our team in Malaga as an agent and guide.
Launching new and exotic tours was our next big goal. We traveled on two-wheels exploring the secrets of Japan for more than two weeks. We rode through the most beautiful vineyards in Portugal and Spain; and we made our own “Coast-to-Coast” for true adventurers, starting from Barcelona and heading to Santiago de Compostela to then returning again by a different route to Barcelona.
The biggest achievement for us was opening the Asian market. We welcomed and traveled with a fantastic group of Japanese riders through Morocco. This tour was a great success and will be the first of many where we can highlight the beauty of motorcycling in our part of the world to our Japanese brothers and sisters.
In 2020, IMTBIKE will continue to take part in several BMW events around the world and, as always, we would love for you to stop by and say hello!
As for us, everyone involved with IMTBIKE feels a great sense of family and our goals can only come true by working together as a team and we know that, thanks to our sense of family, the future holds many great years ahead for the IMTBIKE and for you.
“To feel strong, to obtain everything, you have to be part of a team”, Valentino Rossi